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Reserving your Llamas: What to Expect

Simply give us a call, email us, or click on the Reserve Llamas link to start the process. We’ll gladly go over any questions about renting llamas.

We’ll email you within 24 hours regarding the llamas’ availability and confirm your trip details.

We’ll email you the rental agreement, invoice and payment information. To hold your reservation, the signed rental agreement and deposit are due within 14 days of the invoice.


Pack Llama Training Course: What to Expect

We’ll schedule a date and time for you to participate in a FREE pack llama training course held at the pickup location in Forest Grove, Oregon. We want you and your family or friends to feel confident in how to pack with the llamas and make sure you have plenty of time to ask questions and get some hands-on experience before your trip. This will take approximately 1-hour and is scheduled on your departure date. This training course is mandatory for all first-time customers. Return customers that have already taken the training course are not required to take it again.

Meet your pack llamas. Get to know the llamas and learn what to expect from them and what they will expect from you.

Introduction to the llama gear, spare gear kit, llama first aid kit, trailer and emergency guide.

Learn how to lead the llamas, load and unload in trailer, lead on the trail, and stake-out at camp.

Learn how to saddle and pack with the llamas. There will be plenty of time to answer any questions or concerns you might have during this training course. We will take as long as needed to make sure you feel prepared for your trip.

Lastly, expect to have fun!

Book your adventure now.